Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Air Was Filled With Seagulls

For David Dodd Lee

Like the school of
rock bass swimming
in the lakes of
Michigan and Indiana

and minds,

we swam, some
may have spawned,
but, for the most
part, we made it past

the cranes, the water
rats, the doctoral
puritans, the undertow
ever lurking beneath

and weary fishermen.

The water is still warm.
The generations, that
survive, will come
back to the place

where they were born.

The title comes from a line in David Dodd Lee's poem "Harbor Lake" from his book Downsides of Fish Culture.


Blogger Chad Forbregd said...


I dig the hell out of the poem. For kicks I decided to put it on the chopping block. Regardless if you keep any of the suggested edits it was fun to play with. "The water is still warm" gives me chills.

- Chad

The Air Was Filled With Seagulls

Like the school of rock
bass swimming in the lakes
of Michigan or Indiana,

we swam,

some spawned,
but made it past
the water,

cranes or doctoral puritans.
The undertow lurked
beneath weary fishermen.

The water is still warm.

The generations, that
survive, come back
to the place

they were born.

The title comes from a line in David Dodd Lee's poem "Harbor Lake" from his book Downsides of Fish Culture.

1:44 AM  
Blogger Neil Kelly said...

Chad, thanks for taking the time. I'll get to your flash fiction pieces tonight, probably.

7:19 AM  
Blogger Chad Forbregd said...

No worries, I am in the middle of moving... and I still haven't had an opportunity to read through your stories.

4:26 PM  

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