Friday, July 24, 2009

Some Things or Happenings in Some Places #1

Milwaukee, Wisconsin
An annual pilgrimage to Miller Park a couple of times
during the summer means drunken cursing, baseball and
someone sleeping in a car while others create a ruckus
in a strip bar. The Mars' Cheese Castle gets extra money.

Columbus, Ohio
Two people get married and two figures out that it is the end.
Drinking and eating pizza in a old German carriage house
brought out the worst in what was to be a memorable day.
Most people refuse to say, Thee Ohio State.

St. Petersburg, Florida
A guy gets sucker punched while walking with three girls.
The Dali Museum rests on the Bay like an egg hatching
full grown newborns or elephants catching their breathes
after a complete transformation from the swans they used to be.

Denver, Colorado
Cocaine trails disappear like snow under the sun. Noses
bleed and run like melt off a mountain, but with no
panners of gold. Neal Cassidy drank at My Brother’s Bar
a long time ago. What would he think now?

Iowa City, Iowa
A man too old to be at a college kegger talks to some kids
about poetry and nihilism. As a whiskey bottle gets passed
around, a young journalism major relives herself under a canopy
of pine needles, camera flashes and false accomplishments.

St Louis, Missouri
Drinking Budweisers and driving 80 mph across Interstate 70
to what will eventually become an anniversary, the lives of
some people will change with headache and addiction. As it
would be, a hotel off the highway was a dark place for salvation.

Chicago, Illinois
The Cubs haven’t won a World Series in over
one hundred years, but on Fullerton Ave., under
the Kennedy Express Way, a mix of bum urine and
seeping water created an image (to some) of the Virgin Mary.

Friday, July 10, 2009

I'm Innocent!